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Go Kids

Rojstno dnevne zabave za otroke

Otroška igralnica nova gorica

Welcome to Go Kids, the best children's playground in Nova Gorica! We create a magical environment for unforgettable birthday parties. The playroom is full of laughter, joy and playful energy that will take children into a world of carefree fun. Rent our playhouse for the perfect kid's party and create memories that will last forever!


Our family entertainment center offers a variety of activities that are sure to put a smile on your child's face! From our indoor playground to arcade games, we have something for everyone.

Razigrano vzdušje na otroškem praznovanju v Go Kids

Duration of the celebration

The Go Kids celebration includes 3 hours of active animation and fun. But in order not to want the best parties to end too quickly, there is the option of extending the celebration, if the schedules allow it.

Who is it for?

The celebration is suitable for children of all ages. Our animators will do their best to adapt the program of the coming of age celebration to the wishes of children and parents. We set up a suitable training ground for the youngest, while the elderly can enjoy a game of mini-football. The term "not to be" does not exist here!

Otroci se veselo zabavajo s prijatelji na rojstnodnevni zabavi v Go Kids
Zabavne aktivnosti za najmlajše na rojstnodnevni zabavi v Go Kids


Of course, a real birthday is not complete without a delicious feast. Tables, chairs, plates, utensils and decorations have already been taken care of. The birthday feast includes freshly baked mini pizzas, chicken fingers, savory snacks that the kids absolutely love, and refreshing drinks. However, if one of the children shows allergic reactions to any food or ingredient, we will gladly do our best to prepare a suitable alternative.

How are the celebrations going?

Sports, games and fun - this combination is perfect! 


A unique experience under the watchful eye of our animators, who provide an unforgettable birthday party in the casino. 

Rojstnodnevna zabava, polna smeha in radosti, v Go Kids

Izberite svoj paket


Go MINI (do 10 otrok):

Paket vključuje:

- najem celotne igralnice GO Kids- samo za vas

- tri (3) ure aktivne zabavne animacije naših animatorjev, (1 animator)

- osnovno dekoracijo prostora (raznobarvni baloni in napis 'vse najboljše!'),

- rojstnodnevno pogostitev (pizza: 3 mini pizze/oseba, 10 dag piščančjih nuggetsov/oseba, pomfri

- slane prigrizki: kokice, čips, smoki, ipd. (naključno izbrano)

- osvežilno pijačo (sadni sokovi, navadna voda),

- pribor (kozarčki, krožniki, serviete, pogrinjki)

– priprava in čiščenje prostorov

-cena paketa je 255€ 

Rezervacija termina

Za potrditev rezervacije termina za rojstni dan je potrebno plačati akontacijo v višini 100 evrov. Preostali znesek se poravna po končanem rojstnem dnevu. Končna cena je odvisna od izbranega paketa, dodatnih opcij in drugih prilagoditev, ki jih izberete. Za več informacij in usklajevanje plačil nas kontaktirajte.

Stopite v stik znami

Za kakršna koli vprašanaja ali informacije izpolnite naslednji obrazec in odgovorili vam bomo v 24h

ali pa nas pokličite na telefonsko številko: 031668558

Hvala za oddajo

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